Collection: Ash Catcher

Ash catchers are bong attachments that collect ash and keep your bong clean. For a cleaner hit, several ash catchers feature percs that can help filter your smoke. Additionally, there are variations known as "dry" ash catchers that do not use percs. Dry ash catchers will just keep your piece cleaned; they won't alter its function or airflow in any way. To make sure you have the right size for your bong, we provide some of the best 14mm and 18mm ash catchers for sale, in addition to 45 and 90 degrees.

Joint Size, Joint Gender, Joint Angle, and Weight are the four primary considerations while looking for an ash catcher. For your ash catcher to work well, it is crucial to have the right size, gender, and angle. You should also make sure that the ash catcher is not too heavy for your water pipe.